Has your flight been cancelled?
If your flight is cancelled, and you do not wish to re-book, you can have your ticket refunded. You can claim a full refund of any unused flight segments included in your ticket.
If your flight is cancelled you may request to travel to your final destination on the next Icelandair flight, under comparable transport conditions and on the condition that there are available seats. Please contact Icelandair agents located on-site, or contact our service centre, to arrange alternative flights.
If you have included contact information in your booking, you will be notified regarding changes to your travel itinerary. If not, you can always review your itinerary on the Icelandair website.
If your flight has been cancelled, you are entitled to care provided by Icelandair while you await alternative flight(s). This care consists of meals and/or drinks. If you are at the airport when you receive information concerning the cancellation, please contact Icelandair agents located on-site to receive your meal vouchers.
Sometimes it might not be possible for us to issue vouchers, due to the number of passengers being affected by flight disruptions simultaneously. In such cases, we kindly ask that you retain any itemized receipts for costs incurred and submit them for reimbursement (choose "Delay/Cancellation Assistance"). Icelandair will reimburse reasonable amounts, in relation to waiting time.
If we are unable to provide you with an alternative flight on the day of the cancellation, and you are unable to return home, you are entitled to accommodation. Please contact agents on-site at the airport for hotel vouchers.
Sometimes it might not be possible for us to issue hotel vouchers, due to the number of passengers being affected by flight disruptions simultaneously. In such cases, we kindly ask that you retain any itemized receipts for costs incurred and submit them for reimbursement (choose "Delay/Cancellation Assistance"). Icelandair considers 200 EUR a reasonable price for a double hotel room.
You are also entitled to transportation between the airport and the place of accommodation. If we are unable to provide you with a transportation voucher, please retain all itemized receipts and submit them for reimbursement (choose "Delay/Cancellation Assistance"). Icelandair considers reasonable transportation cost to include a train ticket and/or a trip with an airport shuttle.
Hvis flyet, som du har en bekræftet reservation til, aflyses, har du de samme rettigheder til en omdirigeret rejse, pleje og tilbagebetaling som nævnt ovenfor. Desuden kan du være berettiget til kompensation.
Du er dog ikke berettiget til kompensation i henhold til EU-regler, hvis hændelsen kan tilskrives ekstraordinære omstændigheder, som ikke kunne have været undgået. Sådanne omstændigheder omfatter for eksempel dårlige vejrforhold, politisk ustabilitet, strejker hos tredjeparter, sikkerhedsrisici og uventede mangler i flysikkerheden.
Ligeledes er du ikke berettiget til kompensation, hvis
Hvis du mener, at du kan rejse et berettiget krav mod Icelandair på grundlag af ovenstående betingelser, beder vi dig udfylde Icelandairs erstatningsformular.
Du kan finde en liste over de relevante myndigheder, der er ansvarlige for at sikre passagerers juridiske rettigheder på Europa.eu.