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Ferðagjöf (Travel Gift)

Icelandair encourages Icelanders to fly domestically this summer!

The Ferðagjöf ('Travel Gift') program gives all Iceland residents born in 2003 or earlier a 5,000 ISK voucher. 

The program was established by the Icelandic government to support domestic tourism following the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. It encourages residents of Iceland to travel domestically and support local businesses. 

The Travel Gift is valid from its date of issue through September 30th, 2021.

Ferðagjöf on our website

To access your Ferðagjöf and learn about the terms of the gift, check the official sites online in English at, and in Icelandic on Ferðagjöf website

You will need to electronically fetch your gift and familiarize yourself with the Icelandair terms and conditions for Ferðagjöf before booking a flight.

We have done our best to make the booking process as easy as possible for our customers.