Here you will find important information and latest travel alerts from Icelandair.
Here you will find important information and latest travel alerts from Icelandair.
The Icelandic weather service forecasts strong winds across Iceland starting on Wednesday, February 5, with lasting effects until Thursday, February 6, which will affect our schedule.
Schedule updates
On Wednesday, February 5, morning flights from Keflavík to Europe will operate on schedule. All afternoon departures from Keflavík to Europe and North America will be impacted. All departures from North America will be impacted or experience delays.
No changes have been made to our domestic schedule, but we’re monitoring those flights closely.
On Thursday, February 6, morning flights from Keflavík to Europe and most flights arriving from North America will be affected due to disruptions from the previous day.
No changes have been made to our domestic schedule, but we’re monitoring those flights closely.
Staying informed
If your journey is affected, we’ll send you an updated itinerary via the email address in your booking. You don’t need to contact us unless your new itinerary doesn’t suit your travel plans. To stay updated, please verify your contact details in Manage booking.
If you’re traveling from Iceland this weekend, we recommend following our Travel Alerts and checking the status of your flight on our website or in the Icelandair app before heading to the airport.